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Maintaining Creative’s organic standard

Creative’s commitment to doing things differently includes being the first salmon farming company to achieve Canadian organic certification set out in the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standard.

“Organic certification requires commitment and care at every stage of production,” says Barb Cannon, Creative’s Biology Manager. “Creative’s commitment is validated by an annual third party review that verifies we are compliant with the standard.”

Currently, Creative relies on Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd., a Canadian but globally recognized certification body, whose food scientists, agrologists, biologists, and animal scientists independently verify that certified farms – like Creative – are adhering to organic standards.

Once per year, a Pro-Cert inspector does an on-site audit to ensure Creative isn’t using any prohibited substances, materials, or techniques. “They check our inputs such as feed, confirm our farms’ regulatory compliance, ensure the health and welfare of our fish, and make sure we’re operating our facilities as required by the Standard,” says Barb. “After passing inspection, they issue us a Certificate of Conformity to the Canadian Organic Regime (COR).”

Cody Sander is Pro-Cert’s organic Aquaculture Certification Co-ordinator who oversees Creative Salmon’s organic certification. Cody says when growers meet or exceed standards – especially advanced standards like organic – it’s better for consumers, the product, and the environment.

“The idea of organic aquaculture production is to preserve the natural environment and cause as little disturbance as possible in the pursuit of growing quality food,” says Cody. “We love it when businesses like Creative put up their hand and say they want to go organic. At the end of the day, my job is to help them understand and follow the organic rules that help make their businesses better. It’s a win win.”

Creative’s organic certification applies to its sea sites and Sea Spring Hatchery. In addition, both Lions Gate Fisheries’ processing plants, in Tofino and Delta, B.C., as well as both feed suppliers are certified to the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standard.

Creative’s last certification audit was in the fall of 2021. To learn more about Creative Salmon’s commitment to growing organic, visit:


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