Creative Salmon is enjoyed in Japan and around North America, but you don’t have to go far to find one of our most loyal customers: Country Lane Farms in Alberta.
Jerry Kamphuis, the owner of Country Lane Farms, is very selective about what products he sells. For more than 15 years, Creative Salmon has been the backbone of his sustainable, family-run, farm-to-table outlet’s seafood line.
“Country Lane Farms doesn’t believe in selling anything that contains chemicals. We ensure that all our chicken, fish, and beef products are free of antibiotics, and hormones and are fed sustainable healthy diets. Our goal is to provide our customers with a healthy product that tastes great and is reasonably priced.”
Jerry Kamphuis, Owner, Country Lane Farms
When Jerry first sat down with Creative, it was vital for him to understand Creative’s process and approach to raising Chinook.
“Sustainable and responsible farming practices are a must. What goes into the animal is very important to us.” Creative is Canada’s first certified organic farmed salmon producer. “Nobody else is doing what Creative does.”
Over the years, Jerry continues to be impressed with the quality of Creative’s products.
“Creative sets themselves apart from the rest of the seafood industry. Once people try it, the flavour and the quality exceed anything else in the marketplace. You can taste the difference.”
To learn more about Country Lane Farms, visit https://countrylanefarms.com.